Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Konflik Rocky Jeff dan Rency Milano

Konflik Rocky Jeff dan Rency Milano Former husband of Rocky Jeff Milano Rency who received treatment from an unpleasant woman named Nikita told about the continuation of the case. Currently, Rocky is vise on the reports that he has made.

For no apparent reason, Rocky's ex-husband Jeff who also claimed to have Rency Milano unpleasant treatment by a woman named Nikita. The woman he report to police because the beating and vandalism at his home.

Rocky's new to her own claim for two weeks. However, this man said there may be elements of jealousy.

"I think so (there is an element of jealousy). Nikita friend wrote, I know he's not more than 2 weeks," he said when contacted via telephone on Wednesday (06/18).

Yesterday from noise up to the court, our decision was unanimous. But whether there is any wind, suddenly he comes again. I will continue to give a chance for him to want to change. He is now more to keep my brother said Elma Theana it.

The couple that has not been blessed with a baby that is now being romantic-romantic. Rency who has been married twice before with Rocky, trying to patiently deal with Rocky.

He realizes his actions because of fussiness me as well. I can guide him to a better guy because his name is easy labile. I person emotion, but he's more like it when I was getting angry, "added the long black haired woman.

Rocky said, tired of trying to continue to maintain the household for five years. The man who nine years younger than that now surrender Rency household fate in the hands of judges.

We wants married calm cool. If to him, was like a noisy daily food. He should respect me. Perhaps God gave the best road like this.

Rocky suspect, Rency a third person, although previously Rency has affirmed the divorce is not due to a third person.

If our economic affairs together. Sometimes he's there, sometimes I'm there. His name is fair dong baseball movie ever. Maybe he's found a better person, "he said.

Rocky Jeff finally decided to report the woman charged with article 351 of the persecution and destruction. "Article 351 and Article 406 of the Criminal Code, assault and vandalism. No. Lp. Him: LP/799 / 'K/2011/PMJ/Res Jaksel," he concluded.

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