Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Artis andy soraya kemalingan hampir 900 juta

Artis andy soraya kemalingan hampir 900 juta New month new home in the area occupied Cilandak, South Jakarta, he was robbed. A number of jewelry worth 700 million that is stored in her bedroom closet, disappeared.

"Branded watches, diamond rings, earrings, precious metal is lost," he said when met at the White Box Cafe, Menteng, Central Jakarta, yesterday.

It happened when he was not at home on Wednesday (4 / 5) last. He was suspicious when I got home and find out doors, rooms, and an open closet and a former broken-down. "It seems incredible rob, he is targeting quality goods. In my closet there are also ring imitation, but not taken, the original course was taken, "he said.

Mother of two children was immediately reported it to authorities. Based on initial investigation, the perpetrator is more than two people. "I do not know (there are people involved in or not), let the police investigate. Police are checking his fingerprints, the culprit is more than two people. Just pray the police catch the perpetrators, "he said.

The incident was enough to make women born in Jakarta, June 18, 1976 was stressed. And he further stressed by the news and question people about the truth of the news itself is a member of the country Islam Indonesia (NII). "I was dizzy, a lot of work again, again piled up, news that not-not," he added.

Actress bloody Bugis again asserts itself not a member of the NII network although never to the pesantren Al-Zaytun, Indramayu, West Java. Ever do social action in there, he denied a boarding regular supporters who allegedly became the establishment of the NII.

"I just still need a deposit for my children. And I made a small country (foster home, Red) it always fails, how to get involved to build the country. For me this joke for my friends, "he said then laughed curtly.

Still feeling good name defamed, Andi not intend Police Former Minister of Production Increase NII Supriyanto Priest who threw the issue. "I support him Exterminate cronies. But please, focus and do not throw the stone hiding the hand. Washing your own sins by attracting others. But let it, I do not care, I've been pretty busy with my job, "he concluded.

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