Jumat, 27 Maret 2015

Olga Meninggal Dunia

Olga Syahputra reportedly died in Singapore, Friday (27/03/2015) afternoon. Apparently, the family had gone there since morning.

This was revealed by assistant Billy Syahputra, Maria told detiHOT. According to him, Billy until now also could not be reached.In Singapore this morning he was there. Until now, Billy Bang could not be reached," he said. 
Olga is the younger brother when some time ago stating the condition of his brother has begun to improve. 
Reportedly, Olga died at Mount Elizabeth Hospital, Singapore at the age of 32 years. Olga is known a year undergoing treatment there. 
The comedian has been known to suffer from meningitis. Additionally, Tika Bisono, in an interview some time ago revealed that Olga had lymph stage 4.
READ MORE - Olga Meninggal Dunia

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