Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

Syahrini-Anang Tampil AMI Awards 2011

Singer Do not Choose Me, Syahrini laugh when offered a duet with Anang Hermansyah back. Syahrini also claim to want to duet with musicians from various genres in order to get a new experience for him

Event Gift of Music Indonesia will be held again. Event, which in 2011 entered the 14th year will be enlivened by a series of excellent musicians homeland, one Syahrini.

He did not appear alone, singer Bogor, this, will collaborate with the band sang the song Bang Toyib Guardian. AMI Awards The 14th will take place in Central Park on 6 July.

Awards in Gift of Music Indonesia or AMI Awards 2011 which will be held, going back Syahrini duet artist. But of course her duet this time with a former spouse is not gold, but by Anang Hermansyah Wali band.

2010 my collaboration, in 2011 I paired the same mayor, something new, a new atmosphere in the musical repertoire of me. I really appreciate it once it has been entrusted to a Syahrini. It's an honor for me. Appearing in it must be very special for me, "said Syahrini met at the press conference AMI Awards 2011, at the Hard Rock Cafe, Plaza EX, Jakarta, Friday (01/07).

Anang relationship with Syahrini is tenuous since they are no longer a duet. Breakdown of their relationship could not be separated from decisions Anang a switch that selects as a friend Armada duo.

In fact, when I was a duet, Sam and Syahrini looks so intimate and so-called special relationship beyond a duet. However, after no longer a duet, both the cold war and often teased each other in the media.

Currently Syahrini has scheduled a duet with the mayor. However, he could not predict when will the schedule change. "With the mayor later I duet, but do not know also that before the big day will paired with another, perhaps Afgan, yes, just the young ones, yes. I sang Bang Toyib later," he said.

When asked what if he should duet with Anang back Syahrini said he was ready to duet with anyone.

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