Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

Video Skandal Vicky Shu Beredar

Video Skandal Vicky Shu Beredar Crowded case and vulgar circulation of exciting photos of the recent Indonesian artist does not create a beautiful artist Vicky Shu fear, the reason for never vulgar or sexually arousing pictures taken then it should not be afraid hot photo photo spread. How would the photo spread was not there.

Vicky Shu is an artist and singer beautiful newcomer who baru0baru is on the rise. This beautiful singer-incessant more aggressively promote the new album with the title let's make love 2. Currently vicky shu is a singer who would enliven the music world capital of Indonesia with a pretty face and white skin.

Vicky Shu besides sing is also an entrepreneur and designer shoes with labels syusyu and had also received awards at Miss Indonesia 2007 as a finalist beautiful skin. Well wonder not who actually vicky shu

The owner's full name is Vicky Veranita Yudhasoka consider himself to Aura and have different characteristics of each. However, he admitted that he is very familiar and friendly with the singer of 'Let Love' is.

Section is probably more to the sexy tomboy times well, "said Dara was born Cilacap, July 8, 1987 it is also himself often appears wearing shorts and a ponytail.

Incidentally I'm not the type who likes to be photographed. If I personally do not worry because it's never weird photographs. We return to ourselves, if we do not have photos of strange, is not to be afraid, "Vicky said when met at RCTI Studio, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta,

Vicky was very aware of risk that would be obtained if the slightest mistake. For the sake of not getting into trouble, the singer of the song Let Love 2 prefers to behave themselves.

Some people are afraid to keep his personal files do not let leak. If I still watch it attitude. As a public figure people can be conscious, though it is a personal file or a fad, "he explained.People judge, 'wow ya people do not really'. And perhaps that person okay, "said Vicky.

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