Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

Foto Syur Dewi Persik Mandi

Foto Syur Dewi Persik MandiDewi Persik make unremitting sensation. And for the umpteenth time anyway, Depe, so he called, showing off the breast. This time to boost his new movie, 'Ghost boyfriend Virgin'. The photographs are now busy circulating on the internet site that displays a photo in one of the movie 'Ghost girlfriend Virgin', where Dewi Persik breast covered with a sheet of white cloth.

Because a thin white cloth was exposed to water, no doubt, breast Depe it became clearly visible. In another photo, the appearance Depe also looks equally sexy. He looks so dreamy shirt bras and panties look. Previously, in order to boost the film, Depe until the 'heart-how could' claim that he did surgery virginity. Many doubt if the operation is properly conducted virginity widow and Aldiansyah Saipul Jamil Taher this.

Film boyfriend Ghosts Virgin is a movie starring together Depe Norwegian porn star, Vicky Vette and sexy Filipina model, Misa Campo. This film should be released on July 7th, 2011 ago. However, on the grounds before the month of fasting, KK Dheeraj movie produced for broadcast was delayed until after Eid.

Dewi Persik look hot in his new film titled Ghosts girlfriend Virgin. See Dewi Persik beautiful parts of the body being wrapped in white cloth shower is wet and the breast that is not covered is clearly stuck in the cloth.

Suddenly it became the material of the user's gossip twitter account, there are considered ordinary, looking for sensation and some even called for action to boost the film. The circulation of the photo Goddess has not commented.Interesting little more backward, Depe also had claws with co-star contest, Julia Perez only to boost the film Spirits Shake Falkirk. The case to be brought into the realm of law and until now still continue to direct proceedings.

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