Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

Pacar baru Dinda kanya dewi Dochi Pee Wee Gaskins

Dinda Kanyadewi need not linger after the end of the Derby Singles Romero. Now, Dinda has courted replacement Derby with one of the band members Pee Wee Gaskins, namely Dochi.

We are again happy happy together, the term symbiosis mutualism. I do not have a commitment that how-how, status or whatever, I now live , "said Dinda met at Grand Indonesia, Jakarta, Wednesday (1 / 6).

Previously, in some impressions and coverage, Dochi itself has admitted that he was very lucky to be dating a beautiful woman like Dinda. However, Dinda brushed it off with a call to do just herself and Dochi who knows.

Although previously Dochi reportedly has admitted about its proximity to Dinda, but according to current Dinda is not a priority status . Dochi is a figure of a man who can make her feel comfortable. Although Dochi a band of children who are always approached by teenage girls.

We are committed to our relationship that did not mention a boyfriend or official, now to get in touch again together, we both wrote again filled, the status for me just have two if not single or married. So later if the new status has been married once, "he said then laughed.

Dinda Dochi familiar figure as a man of good heart. The most known by Dinda from Dochi is to have a mature attitude.

He is one funny and adult, she a good listener, critical, creative, smart, clever meaning it could make a comfortable "he said.

Not scared of the boy band that had many fans, the Son of the band I was not scared, I do not want negative about the people well, if now for me to think positively . We again happy-happy. We do not have confirmation for the status of hell, "he concluded.

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