Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Nikita Wily Artis termahal di indonesia 2011

Age may be very young, but her beautiful face many different colored soap opera titles on the screen. That artist Nikita Willy for his expertise role offered to him captivate millions of television viewers.

Thanks to his acting skills that have been undisputedly, she was asked as a talented young artist with the highest paid in Indonesia. Earned the nickname, the girl born in Jakarta, June 29, 1994 is claimed to be happy and proud.

The award for Favorite Actress in Panasonic Awards 2011 event became one of the reasons why she paid quite expensive. But the achievement was obtained the stars 'daughter in exchange for' it's not without hard work.

Stripping involved in the production of soap operas, sometimes she should shoot until the early hours, and the next day the school directly. Nikita was aware of the risk . we also have professional workers, in any field have to concentrate, said Nikita who also works as a singer and model of the ad.

Does not load, just be grateful wrote because that's a very good nickname for me. was happy in say like that (most expensive artist) and yes hopefully stay that way, "he said in Jakarta on Monday (20 / 6).

The title was no exaggeration pinned to the soap opera star "Princess in exchange" it. Besides having a beautiful face and a young age, she also has plenty of experience in the Entertainment world. Award from Panasonic Award for favorite artist in 2010 and 2011 confirmed the name of Nikita as the most popular artists today. Additionally, advertisements, films and soap operas, as well also penetrated the world of singing and get a positive response.

Although the nickname is quite encouraging, but I would not necessarily much less arrogant big head. If the right of self-professional course, do not have to wear that title. As workers we must also be professional in any field of concentration in any field, "said the artist who is now dating Bara Tampubolon it.

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