Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

Wajah Kiki Amalia Mengelupas

Photo of Kiki Amalia 2012 Full Face plaster on the chin is quite shocking the public, including lovers of gossip circulating artis. social networking twitter mention if Kiki Amalia's face began to peel Plastic Surgery. so of gossip fit Pregnancy Kiki Amelia's already 5 months

Two celebrities homeland in a state of pregnancy 5 months should be the butt of the recent this media. the first course, the circulation of photographs sheila marcia naughty men kissing with many figures, and photographs being with her ​​husband Nafa Urbach.

Furor comes as Sheila Marcia Pregnant with her second child in the womb aged 5 months. Mirano wife Kiki itself chose to avoid the reporters about the case being exciting photos of him. Now, the figure of Kiki Amalia Maulana . Mark Harris himself was expecting her first child within the womb aged 5 months, Kiki with a friendly welcome media inquiries about her first pregnancy.

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