Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

Foto Syur Lindsay Lohan Beredar

Related photos nude in Playboy magazine, Lindsay Lohan says her sexuality is nature which can never be separated by one's self.Sex and sexuality are part of nature, and I go along with nature. I think that Marilyn Monroe once said that. I certainly agree with him," said Lindsay Lohan.

As quoted gossipcenter.com, Thursday (01/05/2012), Lohan also said posed nude for him is to give confidence over her body.Knowing yourself and your body because it gives you confidence, Lohan said, adding, "This is the world's most male-dominated to start, so knowing yourself and feel comfortable with your body. You are important to me as a a woman.

Lindsay Lohan on the cover of Playboy magazine to pose nude in the January February 2012. Because, prior to launch photo Lohan has bocoh jar over the internet.Palyboy CEO Hugh Hefner in his Twitt said it accidentally launched earlier magazine.Because of the interest & internet leaks, we release the initial problem of Lindsay Lohan.

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