Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

Artis Valia Rahma Meninggal Dunia

Presenter as well as television movie star, dies Valia Rahma at 17.00 pm, today in Bali. He died at age 26 years due to a brain hemorrhage suffered after a motorcycle accident last week.

According to his friend, Faradila, Valia was already a long stay in Bali after weding.Since a year ago, the husband lived on the island. However, the disaster hit him. When that Valia was the arrival of families from Jakarta.

Intends to accompany one of his brothers in the streets of Bali, Valia motor. he chose to ride a bike at that time was accompanying relatives from Jakarta. Suddenly accident occurred. His motorcycle was hit, "said Faradila when contacted, Friday, January 13, 2012.

Still said Faradila, Valia immediate unconsciousness and coma. Our family did not immediately present at the scene. We just received info motorcycle accident. But, from the day the accident occurred, this was the ninth day. Coma for seven days. The plan tomorrow is buried in the Land charioteer.

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