Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

Adegan Syur Sheila Marcia Dan Zack Lee

Photo of Sheila Marcia and husband Zack Lee Nafa Urbach widely circulated in cyberspace including the online gossip media.Figure Hot Zack Lee and Sheila Marcia itself was long, but it was only in early 2012 was distributed by the twitter account owner Nina Martha

The desire of the child's biological mother Anji Drive, to more calm in pregnancies undergoing second child with husband and first child Mirano Kiki, as he had delivered the mother of Mary C. Joseph, would be disturbed.If the first (pregnant Leticia) must fight a psychic, is now much more calm, they just thankful and want to live quietly with her children. That alone will Sheila,

Section, a twitter account to upload togetherness Mirano wife Kiki is with the husband of singer Nafa Urbach, Zack Lee. Surprisingly, in some of their pictures together, there is the small figure of Leticia Charlotte Agraciana Joseph there.
From a status written Nina Martha, Sheila Marcia mentioned that the picture was taken around the month of December 2010 when Nafa Urbach is pregnant her first child.

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