Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Foto Hot Prisia Nasution

Prisia Nasution crowded discussed since the middle of a divorce from her husband. However, the middle Prisia clubbing photos that have been circulating and crowded on the internet is equally excited.

In the photo, women are like Prisia with a girlfriend who was also a famous artist, Intan Ayu. In the photo, wearing a tank top Intan by using necklace around the neck. While women are like Prisia, mekai buffer strapless dress with her ​​hair tied up. Women like hugging Diamond Prisia middle of the back where Prisia fingers holding a cigarette. While Diamond, naughty posing with a cigarette in his lips. The photo itself is not yet known Kaban made. But the image is now busy in Internet forums along with the divorce news hectic movie star The Dancer 's.

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