Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

Okie Agustina Menikah 3 Maret 2012

Okie Agustina planned to be married to a footballer Cahyo Dwi Gunawan March 3. Okie was hoping her ex-husband, Pasha would be present in Maried.already told him. Anyway schedule if I get married, said Okkie when fitting dress application at Eva Boutique Bun, Central Jakarta, Sunday (02/26/2012).

Okie also said her three children are very involved in it's second marriage. Even his eldest son, became chairman of the committee Keisha marriage he and Gunawan.

Not only that, he admitted his three sons also is awaiting the moment of marriage who gave birth to them. Unlike the time of marriage and Adelia Pasha who got the rejection of his son, chairman of the committee so Keisha.Keisha tail and hold the mother, "he said.

They wait, especially Keisha. He's a not complicated. Back when my father would not be married because amit not know aunt Adel. But with Gunawan he was very close so he let me marry Gunawan.

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