Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Foto Hot Kirana Larasati

Lately it seems the world of entertainment are often surprised by the release of exciting pictures of the artists, you name it she Mirzani, Yasmine Wildblood, and Manohara.This time a similar incident happened to Kirana Larasati. In a widely circulated Internet photo shows a young girl who is very similar to the Kirana.

In the first photo, which looks like a photograph taken by the Kirana. He was in an upright posture, facing the camera with long hair dyed red hair fell forward over his bare chest.Meanwhile in the second photo, Kirana seen in a lying position. Just like in the first photo, almost looks Kirana chest while he was facing the camera with a seductive vision.

Although it is not clear whether the girl in the photos did not Kirana Larasati ata. Regarding the photo itself Kirana not confirmed, but as manager Yopie Kirana said that he did not believe that it is outstanding photo images Kirana.

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