Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

Artis Arman Effendy Meninggal Dunia

Veteran actor from Garut, Arman Effendy (76) died of illness after being treated in RSU dr Slamet Garut, Wednesday (02/22/2012) at around 09.00 am.

According to his wife, Siti Faridah Hji (73), whose real name is Arman Ahmad Efendi Apip KH Muhammad bin Apipuddin was admitted to hospital on Tuesday (21/02/2012) at around 14:00 WIB. Howewer his condition worsened until his last breath next morning.

The father is already a long illness. Sakit several times into the house. His condition improved somewhat at times, sometimes alarming. Yesterday's condition deteriorated. So we bring the father to the hospital, "said Siti Farida when met at his house in State Ahmad Yani RT 04 RW 17 village Village Koropeak Wetan City District City Main Page.

Arman Garut born on August 12, 1938 that left five children. The body of the actor who had starred Sona Wolf Child, located in Cipanas Garut the plan was buried in the family cemetery at village Dangdeur Holy Karangpawitan District at around 14:00 pm.

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