Selasa, 10 April 2012

Nikita Willy Dan Diego Michels Tidur Bareng

Bustling rumored close relationship between Nikita Willy and Michiels footballer Diego some time ago had been denied. She had said that he and Diego just friends. However, as the circulation of news, some photos of them both also circulated in cyberspace.

They are never photographed together, but not that people imagine. And this time, re-circulated photographs like they were sleeping together, with the position of men like Diego hugged her from behind like Nikita. Does this picture could strengthen their accusation of infidelity behind Bara Tampubolon

There are strange indeed from this photo. If we observe and think about it logically, the man in the photo is clearly not a Diego. Diego can be seen from the arm that smooth clean look in the photo, while in fact, he was tattooed on the section. And Nikita hair was brownish in color later.
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Sabtu, 07 April 2012

Foto Ciuman Gading Mrten dan Gisel di Mobil

Ivory Marten often reportedly close to a female artist. Recently the presenter of music events Inbox reported in a relationship with Gisella Anastasia special or familiarly called Gisel Idol. A few sources confirmed the news, it was revealed that Ivory and Gisel was near the middle, but did not say explicitly that both dating.

Marten and Gisel own ivory often seen together, even on one occasion they seemed so intimate. Ivory and Gisel sat together and hugged each other. They seem to talk something, and soon seen kissing on the cheek Ivory Gisel. They show affection in public is certainly raises the question whether or not they had invented.

Touched on this subject, Ivory and Gisel asserts that he was not dating. In line with Ivory, Gisel was denied while trying to avoid reporters. Indonesian Idol dropout is only revealed when they were just friends.
READ MORE - Foto Ciuman Gading Mrten dan Gisel di Mobil

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