Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

Pacar Baru Saeful Bahri Rinada

Saeful Bahri, handsome policeman who had a serious uproar seemed to plunge into the world of entertainment. Bahri is now dating a beautiful singer, Rinada.

Bahri is often seen out together recently with newcomer singer, Rinada. When asked about their relationship, if they do not dismiss Rinada boyfriendn. so arguably still not too old. But we were close before Bahri famous like now, "said the Rinada Bahri, when met in Jakarta, Friday (16/3).

Bahri himself just smiled shyly when asked about his relationship with Rinada. Police who had commented on his photo by Sherina Munaf took only Rinada, as evidence of its proximity to the personnel that Rockmantic Duo.

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