Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Cut Meyriska dan Dwi Andhika Pacaran

There are interesting when Cut Meyriska and Dwi andhika air balloon ride some time ago. Dwi andhika a fear of heights, immediately yell loud when looking down. Position that is more than a thousand feet to make her heart beat faster. While Cut Meyriska seemed calmer. Well while in the air balloon this, Dwi Andhika lie. "There are two things I fear most. One, I'm afraid of heights, the second, the fear left behind a boyfriend," explained Andhika.

Cut Meyriska who heard it, immediately commented, I'm not afraid of losing, "he said. Seeing this opportunity, Dwi Andhika immediately saw an opportunity." That is to 0, meaning more than the first, "he said, and instantly make Meyriska face flushed.

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