Sabtu, 30 April 2011

Bondan Prakoso Dilaporkan ke Polisi

Bondan Prakoso, a young artist who is on the rise this past year, reported to Police in Denpasar, Bali, on charges of alleged insult to the owner of Cafe Akasaka through social networking twitter account.

"Concerned Police reported to Denpasar on Friday (29 / 4) with the number reported by the victim LP/482/IV/2011 cafe owner," said one source at the police who are not willing to be named on Saturday (30 / 4).

Jerry Filmon, owner of Cafe Akasaka, Bonda and colleagues report named Good Satrio for doing insult to Jerry via twitter account @ BondanF2B.

In his account, Bondan insulting manajamen nightclub. In a twitter account is one of them says, 'Security = Secure = create comfortable = make Safe, Security Bali Aka Saka = Not Polite = Excessive = Not appreciate Guest!'.

Wirakesuma said that there have been incidents over Bonda action in these cafes. It was in the exit Akasaka, about 50 people waiting to take pictures with fans. The security forces have sought to limit the fans.

Akasaka has been maximum of providing security to the artist. But the fans tried to close with his idol, "said Wirakesuma.

Bondan Prakoso, Alumni D3 Dutch Literature, University of Indonesia is reportedly the owner of Akasaka Bar and Music Pub, Jerry Filmon to Denpasar Police on Friday (04/29/2011) with a number of reports: Police LP/482/IV/2011 Denpasar.

From the description the victim to the police, the words are written Bondan through her ​​twitter was addressed to the management Akasaka Karaoke Bar in Jalan Tenku Umar, Denpasar.

Insult and defamation Akasaka Karaoke Bar and Music Club via twitter that occurred on Saturday (23 / 4) at around 2:00 pm.

Resentment towards the club's security officer disclosed by a former child singer Si dolphins and Fade 2 Black music group that after doing the show at Akasaka. Now the police are still investigating and called the two men. (Ant/OL-01)

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