Jumat, 15 Juni 2012

Foto Seksi Dewi Persik Pembukaan Euro 2012

EURO 2012 event was celebrated everywhere, including the opening ceremony. Dewi Persik not even miss it, look sexy bikini to enliven the opening of Euro 2012 at a nightclub in Jakarta. Depe appearance was known later as a picture with a red bikini and then circulated on the Internet. He looks very sexy with the blonde hair looks Picture New taken in a nightclub in the area Hayam Wuruk, West Jakarta. Depe has confirmed the photo is the footage looks. But the owner of the original name of the Great Goddess Murya denied her wearing a bikini. He argued, it is only the clothes worn belly dance. "That belly dance clothes fit the concept of the Romans. It libel anyone tell me if you wear a bikini," he said.
READ MORE - Foto Seksi Dewi Persik Pembukaan Euro 2012

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